Monday, June 20, 2011

Purloined unashamedly from another source by someone with cloven hooves....

Very soon indeed, Designing Worlds, SL's top magazine show based in Treet.TV, along with Prim Perfect Magazine are doing a 1 hour live show on Doctor Who in SL called: "Meet the Timelords".

The show is part of the many Second Life Birthday events going on in world. . 

Requested Panel Members:

Victor1st Mornington of Doctor Who Expo
Our own dashing, taco eating, Tristan Avedon.
Sen Pixie of Hands of Omega,
Oolon Sputnik of New Gallifrey,
Doctor Bernard of Paradox Island and
Louis Trapani of Podshock

"It will be the first time that a top rated filmed magazine show has shown interest in the genre of Doctor Who in SL, and it will be the first time that Doctor Who has had any sort of presence in the wider Second Life birthday celebrations."  -Victor
Not to be confused with Meet the Fockers.

1 comment:

  1. This was a totally wonderful evening....all the panel members and the delightful host...not to mention the audience had a lot to say and it was all one big WhoGasmic experience. After the taping, we continued on to the Panopticon to chat some more and then ended up dancing on Who Island. YAY!
