Monday, May 2, 2011

Things round Who Island & WITS

We've still got mini-Utah around to RP out for the Silents!!!
Though I think Utah will soon be replaced by a BIG OLE PIRATE SHIP!!! ho ho ho....buckle swashing optional.

Hop on over to NYX SPACE and mind little girls regenerating in dank alleys.

WITS! the latest and greatest PRO LINE RP/CONSOLES TTCs are up and ready with an assortment of exteriors for you to choose from AND MORE ON THE WAY.
WITS Classic Line is STILL avail at half price...check out the vendors in the WITS shop! YES, HALF PRICE- PERFECTLY LOVELY WITS PRODUCTS. Woo hooo!

SPEAKING OF HALF PRICE LOVELINESS....right out front of the WITS shop is the poster for the TIME TARTS 16 MONTH CALENDAR featuring the smexy semi clad ladies of Who Island....yes, we are halfway through our 16 months so this collectable, fundraising calendar is 1/2 off @ 25L....tell your lascivious friends.

Right next to that is our poster/vendor for 2011 GALLIFREYAN MALE, a pictorial book of hunkitudeness...that debuted in APRIL. 50L packs a lot of extra large wallop.... Who would have thought that our Who Island and SL Time Lords would be so revealing.

If you wish to buy either of these collectible fundraisers as a gift for another, contact Tristan Avedon or Nyx Malaspina (notecards please).

WHO ISLAND MALL: Tons of lovely shops and vendors up there from TARDISES to CLOTHES to WEAPONRY....AND OUR FREE ITEMS ON THE SECOND LEVEL! It's all up in VEGA STATION (accessible from Who Island's main level via transmat & subway).  Vendor spots are avail for rent at low cost per week in the Mall-contact Tristan Avedon for more info.

Speaking of Vega Station, have you gotten your group member TARDIS PARKING SPOT, yet? Have you fought off zombies, pigeons and medieval archers in the combat arenas? Have you considered renting a hub apt/TTC? Have you danced in your underpants at the Maldovarium Club? NO, get with it, Sunshine!

The Maldovarium: Wacky Wednesdays, Freaky Friedays, Spectaccalurrr Saturdays  and other events.
Yes, we have dance party nights again on Who Island. DJ Avedon spins a variety of 80's, 90's, weird, wacky and wunnerful tunage...not to mention Whovian faves on most Weds and Sats with the odd Friday tossed in.
We send out announces via the group but I hear tell there is a schedule at our website.

Up and coming:

PODSHOCK IN KATRINA with no doubt the AFTERSHOCK on Who Island.


MORE XLNT EPISODES OF DOCTOR WHO and general hilarity and mischief ensuing. 

the things your find in your blog photo archive....

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